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Deep Litter System Design for 18000 Chicken
Chicken Raising Type: Deep Litter System
System Layout: 4 feeding lines; 5 drinking lines.
Size of the chicken house: 100M * 15M * 2.5M.
Total capacity of one chicken house: 18000 birds/house.
Feeding Lines Spacing: 3M.
Drinking Lines Spacing: 3M.
Number of Feeder: 294
Number of Drinking Nipple: 123
Ventilation system:
1. Cooling fan: 4 Pcs, size: 1.38 M * 1.38 M, installed on the behind of the wall.
2. Cooling pad: 6 Pcs, size: 2.5M * 2M, installed on the front & side of the wall.
3. Small side windows: 28 Pcs, size: 30cm * 60cm, installed on the side wall.
The above design and data are set by us, which is not necessarily suitable for your needs.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any Suggestions and needs, we could provide you with the professional solution, complete equipment list and price freely.